Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fueling the Fight

I have explained a little in the past about how Namuli Jewelry came to be and my ultimate goal for the business (click here if you would like more information). In a nutshell, I firmly believe in supporting good causes and good people. Because your support will enable Namuli Jewelry to incorporate this philosophy, I will continually posts updates showing how Namuli Jewlery is lending a helping hand both around town and around the world.

This give back was to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I hadn't really planned this one out, but it pulled my heart strings just right and I couldn't say no. Leukemia has drastically affected my life via my father's diagnosis and death in June 2010. Unfortunately, I know I am not alone in how leukemia or any other form of cancer has touched my life. I realize that many of you are probably right there with me. Since no one likes to be in the "cancer gave me and/or my loved one a beating" club, I figured Namuli Jewlery could do its part in helping fuel the fight--which will hopefully decrease club membership sooner then later.

Thanks you all for all your support!
