
Because I know you are wondering...

It is pronounced Na-moo-lee

And because I know you are probably now thinking "what the......." allow me to explain.

During the summer of 2008, I spent some time in Uganda, Africa. How long? About 2 1/2 months. I went with a group called HELP International. HELP stands for Help ELiminate Poverty. You can visit their website at They are awesome.

BUT--the point is that while I was in Uganda, I got to be really good friends with some of the locals that I worked with. They decided I needed an African name, and the one they chose was the Lugandan word kimuli (ki-moo-li), which means flower. Only, my American self understood it and said it as namuli. But here's the thing; as far as I know the word namuli doesn't even exists in the Lugandan language. Oops. However, that is how I started writing it and spelling it-so that is how it stuck in my brain. If you google namuli, you will be directed to sites about Mount Namuli, which is in Mozambique. At least it has something to do with Africa right? And-might I add that according to wikipedia (which as we all know is the ultimate source of truth) the forests of Mount Namuli are a biologist dream land because they contain several unique and rare species of animals and plants. So maybe I got the uniqueness thing matched up too?

Anyway, the moral of the story is Namuli to me means flower and is near and dear to my heart since it was the name given to me from my dear friends in Africa. I felt that it would be the perfect name for my business since I would ultimately like to see Namuli Jewelry give back to my friends in Africa, as well as other worthwhile causes.