Sunday, June 1, 2014


Our first volunteer group has been BYU Nursing Study Abroad. There is a lot of estrogen all over the place but it honestly has been really fun—and I sincerely mean that. I guess there are still a few more weeks left with them so maybe I shouldn't speak so soon, but I am sure if anything changes I will have to emotionally vomit it here anyway so maybe to be continued? Hopefully not though……..
One of the BYU students had a birthday last week so we bought a cake for her. I wrote down her name for the bakery—Jessie—but the cake came back JesHi. We had a good laugh over that one. She is now permanently JesHi to us.

The only bummer with the nurses being here is that they went out on a few overnight trips to some of the colonies that are farther away, and I didn’t get to go with because I have had work to do on campus. The work on campus has been good though. One of the biggest jobs I had this past week was getting the dental clinic inventory together and organized. I love all the new stuff I am learning, but it was nice to have a project that I was familiar with.

Oh and the rickshaw driver dropped us off a couple of streets over from the church this afternoon, so I had to cross two major roads in Chennai-the big city-on foot today. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared at all. It was kind of intense not knowing what will be coming at you next; cow, bus, car, rickshaw, motorcycle, other people, etc. But I survived. I never thought I would feel so triumphant over crossing the street but man do I ever feel triumphant.