Friday, May 30, 2014

India According to Ashley

There are things about this place that don’t seem that out of the ordinary to me, but I think that is because I have lived in similar atmospheres before, i.e. Uganda. But there are some things here that are still very new and interesting to me. I figured I had better write them down before I get use to them and they become “normal” to me. I am not saying all these things are facts, it is just what I understand and have observed to this point.

1. Animals are everywhere (see previous post)

2. Men peeing off the side of the road—All THE TIME! Yeah I know, this happens in America some too, but here they don’t even try to hide it and it is men of all ages—not just little kids who didn’t listen to their mom about going to the bathroom before hitting the road.  I did see a little kid squat and go #2 on the side of the road the other day. I know I have seen this happen before but I don’t think I have seen it as blatantly as I have here. The other times I’ve seen it people were a little more discreet. Here they are just a little short of full on facing the traffic. Gross.

3. Some women have shaved heads—and I thought this was because of lice, and I am sure sometimes it is, but I also found out that in Hinduism, when a women becomes widowed she is expected to shave her head. There was a lady at one of the colonies whose hands were more or less stubs. She was making a big deal about telling us she shaved her head because it was easier to take care with her hands being the way they are. I didn’t understand how or why that mattered so much until after hearing that.

4. Driving really is like human frogger with all the different kinds of horns making the “video game” sounds. Driving in any third world nation is different but India takes it to a whole new level simple because of the amount of people (and animals) that are on the roads.

5. Indian Swimsuits. I am not sure if these were due to certain religious beliefs or what but on our rest day last week we saw a couple of different women wearing them. I am pretty sure I have seen these as outfits at Forever 21 but whatever.

6. The smells. India has a certain smell-spicy? I think I am starting to smell like Indian food though. My right hand is for sure. It kind of scares me. I like eating Indian food, but I really really REALLY don’t want to smell like it.

7. In front of most Hindu homes you will find paintings or designs drawn with chalk powder on the ground directly outside the front door. These are blessings/prayers for their house and for all who come inside. 

8. The dots. I have heard different things about them, but the one thing I am going to go with for now is that it is an outward symbol meant for remembering God. The line across the head that is more commonly seen on men means the same thing, lines are just more masculine then dots. Obviously?..?.. 

9. People will pay to ride the bus but then literally hang off the side of it. Like hang off the outside. So they aren’t even in the bus at all. Ill post a pic when I get one but basically it is a death wish—see #4.

10. Hindu Temples are the equivalent of LDS meeting houses in Utah. One on every street and corner. And probably some others squeezed in between for good measure. 

11. All Indians head bobble while they are talking. You have to really pay attention to their tone and exactly what they are saying because they can be telling you “no” for something but their head is moving so much that you swear they are shaking their heads “yes”. It keeps you on your toes to say the least.

12. All the girls wear flowers in the hair. I have come to love the smell of them, and the look too. I am a little to Caucasian to pull it off, but one of the nurses made us some one day. It was a little weird to move my head and have a petal or two fall off. Not only are the flowers pretty but they act as perfume too. No judgement for the pic though. hahaha

13. Community drinking containers—at lunch there is usually one pitcher of water and everyone at the table drinks from it. They are all very careful to dump it into their mouths without letting it touch their lips though. It is pretty entertaining to watch. I just use my own water bottle. 

14. I haven't met a mean local yet. Everyone has been very helpful. Not only are they helpful to me but I have seen a lot of them taking care of one another. Just the other day there was a crippled homeless man on the side of the road that some of the locals were helping out. It was heartwarming to watch. It wasn't this guy but the picture goes along anyway.