Friday, August 29, 2014

The Adventures of Session #3

I’m pretty sure I blinked and session 3 had happened. I did miss the first day of this session (because I was coming back from Delhi) and the rest of that week I had to lay a little low because of whatever little souvenir I brought home in my gut. However, I am happy to report that after some oral rehydration fluids, Cirpo antibiotics, and deworming pill (yes, you read that right. I felt like I was an animal in a veterinarian hospital, which is dumb because we give it to the kids so it was probably good for me-it was humbling) my Delhi Belly went away. Then I just had to deal with Cipro Belly but whatever. Baby steps. Regardless of how short the time seemed, and the fact that I was sick or recovering for half/most of it, and the fact that we had Claartje and Rachel leave in the middle of the session, I was still able to participate in some things with them. And I was for sure able to get to know them. At first we were a little worried that they were not having a good time because we never saw them. As soon as they got home from this activity or that activity they went straight to their rooms and didn’t come out too much. We tried a few game nights but they didn’t last very long. BUT-come to find out, they were very social, they just weren’t the kind of group that was social outside of their rooms. But if you would go into their rooms you could join right in the conversations, hang out, or just join in whatever was going on. It was another group of all girls (sorry yet again David)—well my bad, there was a father and daughter that came so David wasn't the only man in the elephant house--and three of them have been best friends since forever; but by the end they all got to be very close.

With the exception of just a few (and I could be wrong about that, one never really knows), a lot of the girls were dealing with some pretty heavy stuff at home. I don’t know all the details, nor is it really my business to know, but it was cool to see them find solace in one another but more importantly in the service they were giving. They each opened themselves up to be touched and changed by this experience. I felt like there was a more palpable change in this group of volunteers then I’ve noticed in any other group we have had this summer. It was fun seeing Nick, the father in the group, become papa bear over all “his” girls. Secretly I loved watching Nick experience Rising Star and India with his daughter Annie—I know I personally won’t get the chance to do that in the flesh which of course made me a little sad and slightly envious, but mostly it was just really tender to watch. It was almost as cute as watching dance class with the UKG (kindergarten) kids in the dining hall—Nick in tow of course.

There was so much cheese this session! Mac and Cheese and grilled cheese sandwiches were made numerous times a day. Our adventures included a zoo trip, which we took after visiting a colony in the morning. It happened to be a holiday so the zoo was really crowded. The best part about the zoo was that we were the zoo. There were awesome tigers and animals but people didn’t seem to care about the white tigers nearly as much as they cared about the white people. Children cried, people stared, many pictures were taken and we literally were the zoo. I for one really like the tigers, especially the white ones. They are so BIG and not something I recall seeing at most the zoo’s I’ve visited. The zoo seems to be the place where couples meet up and do scandalous things like pair off and hold hands. I wish they wouldn't be so inconsiderate of all the undefiled children at the zoo. They are practically ripping their innocence right out from underneath them.   

No they are not taking pics of some awesome animal, they are taking pics of the extremely rare, exotic and seasonal Rising Star Outreach Volunteers. 

The signs were hilarious! There was another one that I need to track down a copy of it, but it was outside the bathroom and had the cost for peeing and pooping on it. They used more professional works such as urination and fecal matter, but the best part was that the cost was the same for each so yea...........

Some animal was missing that for sure...

Midget hippopotamus (I think the correct term is pigmy but I like midget better. No offense intended to anyone or anything.)

The threesome of besties are all cheerleaders at Wasatch High School and David was trying to get back in shape for BYU cheer camp which is coming up right after he goes home (which is to close for comfort) so they did some stunting at playtime. The kids absolutely loved the show.

Hailey has to be one of the funniest girls I have ever met

They worked hard (And were genuinely happy doing it)

And played/loved hard

We had a weekend in Pondicherry together. These girls knew how to shop. And eat. And find awesome bathroom signs. We hit up a french bakery that honestly tasted like kneaders. I could of sat and eaten there all day. I had a raspberry tart, chocolate cookie and a ham and cheese sandwich. They were to die for. I thought I was eating at Kneaders. I felt so strongly about them that I took a picture, but obviously couldn't wait to take little (or multiple) samples of each first. Pondicherry's grand bazaar is so large that I have been visiting it in sections. When I went with this group we hit up the textile section and the flower section. The things they do with flowers here is pretty amazing. After the bazaar we found this SWEET ready made saree store where I got a fancier blinged out type saree with the top and underskirt for $13.00 USD total. You can take the the bargin shopping girl out of the USA but you can't take the bargain shopping out of the girl. (Wom wom wom wooooooom)

I am going to miss these gals--and our papabear Nick. I don't know if I really thought much about how not fun it would be to make new friends and get to experience awesome things with them and then have all of them leave........the leaving of sessions is not one of the highlights of my job. I love my little brothers and wouldn't trade them for the world, but I also desperately wanted a little sister too. India is giving me a chance to gain a lot of "little sisters"-I can call them that since I am usually significantly older then pretty much all of them. I just hope India get togethers are still happening when I get home in April. If not, a lot of people are going to get a five foot two inch blast from their Indian past whether they want it or not.