Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I Live In a Giant Zoo

Yes it is true. There are animals E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. I don’t really mind it but it is defiantly something new. Africa didn't have this many animals running around everywhere, all the time. I have been here about a week and a half and I have seen (and most of them pretty regularly) either on campus or around the village/everywhere else too:

Cows (obviously—they are everywhere. Some are decorated with metal horn caps and flowers)
Monkey (Don't know how to pluralize that word, but they all just had babies so there are a lot of them around-all sizes, and no, I haven’t attempted to touch a single one of them-even the little babies. We have to make sure the door to the kitchen is closed at night otherwise they come in and reek havok)
Crows (these make me feel like I am at Grandma Henderson’s house. All the animals do but especially the crows)
Lets not even get started on the bugs and insects

I am still waiting to see snakes and scorpions but as I mentioned before I don’t really want to see them. We have now been to two different colonies that reported someone in them had recently died of snake bites. One was an actual snake handler. Oops.  

Despite the jungle, life carries on. Mostly with the jungle,--more like intertwined with the jungle.  The BYU Nursing students came on Sunday. As we were doing orientation with them, the campus goats got through a gate they weren’t suppose to. As a result they were eating all of Mr. Twinkle’s (one of the three white ducks on campus) food. I tried to shoo them out myself but that wasn’t working so I called for reinforcement. I can only imagine what the BYU Nursing Students were thinking-getting a tour of campus while two sweaty scrawny girls were chasing around/trying to herd a couple of full grown goats out the gate. 

Welcome to India girls!! Where your always hot, sweaty, and sharing living space with at least 3 different kinds of animals at all times!