Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Christmas in March

Guna's in need of some new clothes--pants especially.  I picked him up some clothes from Chenglaput the other day and today was the day I was able to "give" them to him. Because I am his sponsor I'm allowed to buy him things but I still can't simply give him things. I can show him what I bought but then the gift goes into the Star Store where he has to purchase it with the stars he has earned from good behavior, good marks in school, etc. But enough of the technicalities, the point is I was able to show him what I was putting in the Star Store for him. And as if giving Guna stuff wasn't good enough my sister is sponsoring Kaviya so I was able to give her things via my sister as well. In short it was such a blast! Basically it was like Christmas.

Here is his cheesy "Ashley is making me smile when all I really want to do is open my stuff" face.   

Once he opened the bag and saw one of the shirts he got so excited and squealed, "A SHIRT!!!" and started giggling afterwords. He was equally excited about the smiley face ball too.

The good news is the shirts fit great, the bad news is the pants that came with the shirts didn't fit at all really. One of them was okay.....

but these ones weren't those ones. I am actually really surprised that he got them on--we almost didn't get them off again. He may not be able to breath or have children one day due to the short time he spent wearing these pants but at least the shirt fits well enough that he can still flex his muscles without ripping it to shreds.

Guna was more then happy to help Kaviya open her gift......

but true to Kaviya's personality she quickly took charge of the situation and made sure Guna didn't help out to much. She loved her gifts as well. She got an outfit, pics of my sis and her family, a little notebook and a necklace/bracelet set. She was all smiles. And kept pulling things out, would inspect it and say "It's so pretty Auntie!" or "I love it Auntie!"

Sponsoring a child is one of the coolest things I've ever done. I wish I would of figured out who I was sponsoring earlier because it would have been fun to spend more time with Guna as his sponsor----aka get to spoil him more. :)  I can and still will spoil him-I just won't be here to watch him squeal and giggle over being spoiled.