Friday, November 14, 2014

Children's Day

Today we celebrated the children. We kind of do that everyday but today was set aside as a holiday and titled Children's Day--so basically it was a pretty big deal. I think this is the best holiday ever-we have holidays to celebrate moms and dads so why not children too?

Part of the program was in English, part of it was in Tamil. It included everything from speeches to skits to songs to dances to tongue twisters to monologs. You name it, we had it. And yes, it was pretty freaking long. But we do have a lot of kids to celebrate so I guess we should of known it was going to be pretty involved. The kids were adorable (as usual) and they were completely oozing with excitement over their parts in the program. 

The boys were SO into dressing up for their skit. The most sought after part of their costume was the drawn on facial hair many of them got to wear. They didn't wash it off until absolutely necessary though--which means they kept it on ALL day long. It was a little weird to go to playtime and see the "boys" all look like little men. 

I was really impressed with their acting abilities. They really got into their roles. 

This girl especially-you can tell she was an extremely angry witch from the second she walked on stage.

Of course the volunteers participated too-well at least those of us who are talented performers, i.e. Ciera and Brooklyn.

Brooklyn and Rebecca's choir did a couple of different musical numbers too, and Lon told an interactive story involving both the staff and children. It was a HUGE hit.

And perhaps my favorite performance was these kids-mostly just because they were dressed in these costumes:

The poor giraffe, he literally was stuck in his costume. It was so tight that he wasn't able to wear the hood part. Ill admit it, I laughed over him quiet a bit-but he didn't see me so its okay.

And of course Life Dance was the concluding performance--which was perfect for Katie since it was her last day. She has really connected with the dance students and today was a big pay day for her. Just look at how happy she is!

After the Children's Day program we had a little family picture photo shoot. I know I said it last post (and probably in many post before that) but this group of people have seriously been so great. I am sad to see it end.

And of course we had to take a silly pic or two....or 25. The pic below led to a funny story though. So Cohen, the Young's youngest child, can be extremely shy. Like EXTREMELY. They came in June and it has only been the last little bit that he will talk to me. So just to tease him, I decided to kiss his cheek for one of our silly pictures.

If I would of known that kissing Cohen was the key to breaking his shyness towards me then I would of done it 5 months ago! Later on in the night at dinner, he wouldn't show us something that we all wanted him to so I threatened him with "Cohen, if you don't let us see what you made for Camry then I'm going to have to kiss you again!" To which he screamed; "NO WAY! IF YOU KISS ME AGAIN I WILL TURN INTO HORNY THE RHINO!!!" Of course everyone else in the room starts dying laughing and Cohen just sits there with a big grin, probably thinking about how creative it was to name a Rhino horny because of the horns it has on its face--Duh. It was so innocent which is what made it so good. Im pretty sure that's going to be brought up again and again. Actually I'm sure of it. He still has a few years before he'll figure it out, but I really want to see his face when the lightbulb flips on.