Monday, November 17, 2014

Planting Banana Trees

This morning we had the assignment of planting 18 (maybe 19) banana trees on campus. I was a littler nervous since the area we were working on is next to the place our cobra stalker has been spotted but as Dr. Susan said, "We can't not live our lives because of the cobra". True, now if only the cobra didn't have the power to force you to stop living your life if you come across it..............

This positioning was a total accident, I promise!

Banana tree planting was hard work, but it was fun. Today was the first day Berlyn had seen Indian shovels-she was a little taken back but learned to use them quickly. I (of course) kept getting holes that had monster roots in them because that is just my luck. There were a lot of worms severed and dirt moved that was simply placed back in the foot-ish deep hole in the end, but we finished faster then I thought we would, no cobra was found and cold bucket showers awaited all of us back at the elephant house. Overall, I'd say it was a great success. They say it takes about six months for them to grow to maturity so it will be fun to watch that process. Then again it will kind of suck because that means when they are grown, ti will be time for me to go back to America. Boo. Boo. Boo.