Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Good Bye Program

Today marked the beginning of the end. Okay, I realize that sounds more then a little dramatic but for reals, starting today people are leaving pretty consecutively--basically every single day, one after another until it is my turn. I feel weird and sad and happy and excited about it all at the same time. We've ended this spring sessions with a bang--having five different family pairs/groups come staggered but then all being there together for at least a week or so before they start their staggered departures. 

I've concluded they are the perfect group to end with. More or less everyone that comes to Rising Star has a huge heart, however this group all seemed to have ginormous hearts. They've totally been in the service and development work zone the entire time. They really "get" it. REALLY get it. The family that left tonight was the Stephenson Family. They are an American family that live in London. The dad Chris reminded me of cousin Chad, like almost in a eerie way. He (Chris) even jammed out to songs that Chad recorded on a tape for me back in the day. The wife Becca, was absolutely adorable and super super sweet, and their kids; Emma, Caleb, Hannah and Cami were so helpful and drenched playtime with love through painting nails, playing "catcher" (tag) and lots of football. Kaleb is going to be an Olympian Gymnast one day. He is well on his way now--who knows if he will compete for USA or Great Britain but he will most likely be there so watch out for him.       

Late last week Dr. Susan told me there would be a going away thing for the Young's and myself. We were informed that we would have to prepare a few words for the program. Since I've already been super reflective I didn't think it would be very hard, however it turned out to be harder then I thought because really, where do I begin? How can I simply say thank you for the last year. A simple thank you doesn't do it justice but then again I could blubber for hours and it wouldn't be adequate either. I ended up just talking about how I left my family to come to India and  how over the last year they have become my family. And the good thing about family is that family never ends no matter the distance between them. Cheesy I know but I meant every single word. yes, Moral of the story is it all worked out in the end but the initial struggle was real. 

The program itself was really sweet though. The kids presented us with gifts, incredibly nice things were said, several creative alliterations were used thanks to Mr. H. and a good time was had by all. When all was said or done we were walked out to the the Pathway of Hope where they had cleared a spot for the plaque they made for us. I am not sure if Lon and Rebecca knew but I had no idea a plaque was happening and was really surprised by their kindness. Well not by the kindness itself but I have always been under the impression that you have to donate a certain amount of money to get a plaque on the Pathway of Hope. I guess maybe they accept payments in increments of time too? :) When we first went out the spot was decorated with flowers and was super pretty. Once again I need to collect the real pictures from the occasion but here is what I have for now.