Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

Today was a Good Friday indeed! I finally got back to my normal activates—well mostly. I still needed to rest as much as possible. And had to take a nap. But it was mostly back to normal so Ill take it.

The best part about being mostly back to normal meant that I could go to playtime! Which was kind of sad. Usually Guna will see me coming to the playground and run right into my arms. Once he is there Ill always pick him up and turn around a few times. He smiles from ear to ear and giggles every single time. It’s kind of our thing. Some people have handshakes or give high five and we have a jumping into my arms and twirling around ritual. If he isn’t on the playground when I first come out he will almost always sneak up behind me and cover my eyes and/or jump on my back. I love our little greeting rituals. So when I saw him on my way to playtime today---and not only did he not run into my arms but instead watched me quizzically and kept hiding behind another volunteer. It was like he was scared of me. Im pretty sure he thought I was a ghost. Which totally broke a few pieces of my heart.

I went up to him and started talking to him---telling him how I had been sick so that’s why I didn’t come to playtime for the last 7 days. I went on to explain that now I am better and I was telling him that I missed him and how “I’m so excited to see you!!” He was still visibly nervous but gradually he started to relax some. Eventually he grabbed my hand and started insisting that we go talk to Miss. Velumal (one of the housemothers). He led me into her hostel but she wasn’t there. Then he quick ran ahead of me at went around the corner, and before I knew it he ran back to me and was motioning with his hands for me to, “Come Ashley! I have found her!” Once we were all together Guna started talking to Velumal in Tamil. She translated to me that Guna had thought that I had gone home to America. She said he has been very sad and talking about how he misses me but that “he has also been praying for you everyday”. I felt horrible and made sure she explained back to him that I was sick and in bed for a week and that is why no one has seen me. Her reply: “Yes! Yes! Now he knows and is very happy! He wanted to show me that you are still here!” Guna can speak fairly good English so I was wondering why he wanted Velumal to translate between us but oh well, because 1) it was incredibly cute and 2) it was almost like he needed to confirm with someone else that I was still here. After meeting with Velumal and deciding that I wasn’t a ghost after all, he was back to the same old Guna and quickly asked me to play red light green light with him.

I know I post a zillion pics of him but I can't help it. Just look at that face! Seeing it makes me so happy!

Because it was Good Friday, the kids got to watch a “Jesus movie” tonight—an animated version of the 10 Commandments. This made me so happy because it was like I was gaining back the movie night I missed with them last week. PLUS—we still get to watch a movie tomorrow night. See I told you---it was a Good Friday indeed.