Friday, October 10, 2014


The kids started trickling back to campus Sunday afternoon, and it is good to have them back! Campus doesn’t feel as empty now. It was cute seeing them come back, some of their suit cases were bigger then they were.

First thing Monday morning we all participated in the ground breaking ceremony for the new girls hostel. I’m glad I was able to be here for the start of it but I’m a little sad that I won’t be here to see it finished.  The ground breaking ceremony was short and sweet, which was good because it was an extra hot day. I still managed to get a sun burn though. I was out there for a whole 10-15 minutes so I probably should have expected it right? Oh my light light skin. I love hate it. I have most my life and I figure it will probably continue that way until the end of my days.

Dr. Susan had invited President Eddison and his family to be our special guests for the ground breaking ceremony. They brought their two sons. After the formalities I had gone back to the elephant house when I got a phone call telling me I was suppose to come back because President Eddison wanted to talk to me. My first initial thought was “Oh crap, he is going to give me a calling.” I know I probably shouldn't say that, and to be honest I wasn’t worried about receiving a calling as much as I was the logistics of what it would entail. A fair amount of church is in Tamil, it takes anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours one way to get there every Sunday, sometimes I don’t have the luxury of staying all three hours because of situations with volunteers, grocery shopping, etc. I know that if I were to receive a calling then somehow it would all work out--BUT—looks like I am off the hook because he tried to talk to me about something but I didn’t understand what he was saying and kept looking to Ms. Gracy for help but she said we need to talk to Dr. Susan and then he just dropped it and we all just kept hanging out so whatever. I guess if it is important that it will resurface again.