Friday, October 10, 2014

Kalvary Nagar

I am in love with this little colony. I know I say that about almost every single one but really, I love them all. They each seem to have their own little personality. Patient's started trickling in shortly after we arrived and before we had finished setting up. Out of no where this little lady came and bulldozed Brooklyn with a HUGE hug. Brooklyn looked so surprised that I started laughing and before I knew it she had moved on from Brooklyn and was bulldozing me. And yes, bulldozing is absolutely the best way to describe her hugs.  She makes you stumble some--which you wouldn't think is possible since she is so little and old and has some physical challenges due to her leprosy. I loved every single second of her hug though. It was so sincere and so full of love.

I just had to add this one too, because I love her smiling/laughing face.

There were other patients that sang to us, one that to the best of my knowledge was pretending to be Moses. They were all generally happy people. Some colonies have more quiet and reserved patient's, but these guys didn't take much coaxing to come out of their shells. They must have extremely thin/almost non-existent shells.

Above we have Ciera and Brooklyn hard at work, below we have a beautiful lady with Velu being a creeper in the background

And last but not least, our Moses impersonator

In the afternoon we worked on sponsorship letters with the kids. I lucked out and got to help Jaikartick-who is one of my favorites simply because he is so funny and simply oozes his own little personality. Today he started howling out of no while finishing up his letters. He always keeps us laughing.