Saturday, December 6, 2014

Family Face to Face

My family had their holiday get together this morning. Well my Saturday morning and their Friday evening. I had Lindsey FaceTime me and everyone was there-Kirk even flew in from Cali. It was so cool to talk to everyone. Especially my brothers-they are the ones I have the hardest time keeping in touch with because they are always switching numbers and/or don't have service, etc. They were so cute about the FaceTime thing. Neither of them had done it before so they couldn't get over how cool it was that I was half way around the world but we were able to talk virtual face to virtual face. I am not sure if they were more excited about the technology or the fact that they got to talk with their cool older sister--but I'm going to tell myself it was the latter. After hearing about and completely coveting/drooling over their dinner, everyone moved to the living room to open presents. It was loud and chaotic but absolutely perfect. Children and Christmas are two of my favorite things ever so needless to say, I was on cloud nine watching my nieces and nephews open their christmas presents from one another. It was kind of bitter sweet "being there" but not actually "being there" at all, but it wasn't as bad as  I thought it would be. I felt more excitement and happiness then anything else really. That is probably due in part to not really feeling like it is Christmas time though. I did end up making myself mash potatoes and the last little bit of stove top stuffing later on in the day though-nothing like Christmas dinner foods to try to help you get into the Christmas spirit right? Or we can just call it what it was--which was most likely emotional eating. Either way, it happened and it made me feel a little more connected to the Christmas celebration I watched from home. :)

Lindsey and Nicole did a collage of family pics from the last little bit for everyone. I hadn't seen all of them before. How cute is my family!

 To be honest I couldn't see Lindsey and Nicole's family pics really well but I think they might of been these ones. If not, these ones are cute so whatever.

My absolute favorite comment of the night was from James. He was asking me when I'm coming home. I told him around the middle of April to which his face lit up and he goes "Oh that will be awesome! I will still be on house arrest then so Ill totally be around and we can hang out!" It was so serious and so sincere that I couldn't, well we all couldn't help but laugh about it. It was hands down one of my most favorite James comments ever. My other favorite James comment happened a few years ago when out of no where he said "Ash-whatever guy marries you is going to be so effin lucky!". I think my favorite part was that he really did say effin-I wasn't just editing there and once again it was so serious and so sincere. Lol. I love my little brothers. I love all my family and all my siblings but there is a special place in my heart for my little brothers. I always looked forward to dancing with my dad on my wedding day. I don't know if he would of done it, I always hoped he would have though. Obviously, that isn't a reality anymore but dancing with my brothers is and to be completely honestly, thinking about dancing with them on my wedding day makes me so happy. I am pretty sure my dad would insist that they do that for me since he won't be able to do it himself.