Friday, December 19, 2014

Playing Santa

The Marriott coming lit an inextinguishable Christmas spirit inside me. Of course I am still feeling extra nostalgic for home and my family but overall things have gotten better. And let me tell you, it is such a good feeling.

I was cleaning through some stuff when I first got here and stumbled upon some Christmas supplies. One of the said supplies was a Santa suit. I have always wanted to be Santa for a bunch of little ones--sadly, my voice and features don't really work for portraying a big fat man from the north pole--even before I lost 20 lbs. I was thinking about how happy the kids were the other day and decided I wanted to do a little something for them after all. It was nothing huge by any means, I just put on the Santa suit and handed out candy to them at play time, BUT because it is Christmas time each child got TWO candies instead of one and then I randomly threw some handfuls out here and there. Which may or may not have started some stampedes but no one came out hurt or crying so it was all good.

The next three pictures happened in the space of 5 seconds or so...

Being Santa was as exciting as I always pictured it to be

And of course I made sure to give out more of the sticker candies that I passed out on my birthday. They were just as big of a hit the second time as they were the first time! 

It was such a simple thing but it was so fun! It was hot and chaotic and the mob of kids almost knocked me over more then once but it was totally worth it. Obviously all the kids knew it was me so they were all laughing and teasing me, so I teased back by insisting that they call me Santa Clause. Good times were had by all. And yes, Santa Clause does use an inside out Reliance Fresh shopping bag to carry her goods in. 

When I was walking back to the elephant house I felt like my pants were falling down. BUT I had felt like that earlier and every time I checked everything was good so I kind of ignored it. But it was not to be ignored because it had actually happened this time. I almost took off my other pants before putting the Santa suit on, but lucky for me and more importantly everyone else around me, I kept them on in the end. Some of the older girls were there to witness it. Of course. It couldn't just be in front of Rebecca and her daughters. That's just not how my luck works. 

The pics with the girls were kind of blurry but they are insistent on having a copy of them. Notice how one of them moved her body over to hide my wardrobe malfunction in the second pic? These girls got me back!