Tuesday, July 22, 2014

First Week Of School Pics

Of course there was a lot of teaching going on, especially from Emily who is the Education Coordinator. Classroom rules are very strict so we can keep things professional and orderly--which includes no cameras. But there was still a lot of other things happening that I could take pictures of. 

We had mandatory deworming and nail clipping nights and two mandatory delousing nights---

 The nurses ended up being quiet the little performers--doing presentations and skits through out the week on first aid, maturation, etc. These pics are from the Welcome Back to School program (aka impromptu variety/talent/entertainment show).

                                                                                                                           Performing Mulan

                                                                                   Push up contest, believe it or not David lost.

                                                                Julia playing the piano upside down and backwards

It actually went really well, but there were some kids that didn't last. Lets be honest though, the first week of school can be pretty tiering no matter where in the world you are.