Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Game On

A new group of volunteers arrived this week—a group of 10 to be exact. I am really excited about this session because it is the first “official” session meaning myself and the other long term coordinators get to fully experience and execute a normal session. The BYU Nursing session was great, but it defiantly wasn’t typical as far as what we have been trained to do. This session we will have all three rotations (construction, medical and education) going all day everyday, as well as activates and hang out time at night. It is a little intimidating to start this session with no real connection to the office in America—but luckily I had prepared most everything way in advance, before the death of our WIFI.

The volunteers are taken straight from the airport to the Marriott hotel in Chennai—where we pick them up Monday mornings at 10:00 AM. Except for today we picked them up at 11 because traffic was horrendous and we had to stop along the way to switch drivers with another one of our vehicles who had broken down. India has a way of teaching you to switch to and accept plan B, because often times A doesn't work. Period.

They seem to be a pretty diverse group, we have a couple of mother daughter teams, older girls and younger girls and one boy. Poor boy. But now David will have a buddy so that will be good for him. Orientation was long-it always is for volunteers who have been traveling for how many hours/days-but I am already impressed with the attitude of the group. I don’t know how else to describe it other then they already seem to be in with both feet and hearts wide open. I’d say that is a pretty good sign for only having completed orientation.

I have only done two orientations but both of them have included some pretty random things that just come with being in India. The BYU nursing students got me running around like a crazy person trying to get the goats out of Dr. Susan’s yard, and this group got a front row seat to an elderly lady pooping on the sidewalk right outside of their van. It was a pretty good production. Viva India! I didn't get a picture of the lady--I didn't even debate it actually--but I figured I would end this post with picture of the streets of India. These were not taken today--but one of my favorite things about picking volunteers up is watching them take all this kind of stuff in. It is pretty exciting because you never know what you are going to see--like an older lady pooping on the sidewalk.